MAD Daedalus World Highscore contest
World Highscore Contest
Welcome to LittleWing's World Highscore Contest. Show the world your scores and go for special prizes!
When you make a MAD Daedalus score you're proud of, use our free Highscore Tool shown below to submit it to our website. It will then be automatically entered on our Highscore Contest page.


MAD Daedalus World HighScore Contest Ranking Page


How to Enter
  1. IMPORTANT: To enter the Highscore Contest, you must be a registered MAD Daedalus user who has purchased a personal Key-Code from LittleWing's online Web Store.
  2. Click one of these links to download our free high score data tool program. You must use this tool program to create your contest data.

    -> MAD Daedalus High Score Tool for Mac OS X
    -> MAD Daedalus High Score Tool for Windows

  3. Be sure to exit MAD Daedalus before you create your highscore data.
  4. Run the tool program, which shows your encrypted highscore data.
  5. Copy the entire data and paste it into the entry form on this page. Do not edit the data or your entry will be invalid. (The data contains this information: High score, date, Key-Code, and email address.)
  6. In the form, add your name and address the way you want them to appear on the Highscore Contest page, then click Submit.
Contest Entry Form
  1. You can send new scores as often as you wish. Your score is automatically added to the worldwide MAD Daedalus rankings. If you make a mistake when you enter your name or address, submit your data again with the correct information.
  2. Note: Your ranking is associated with your personal Key-Code. When you submit a new score, it replaces your previous score, even if your new score is lower! So be sure not to submit a lower score than your current ranking score.
Your name and address will be shown in your ranking.
Address (country)
High score data *
* Edited data will not be accepted




post FAIRY TOWER World Highscore Contest result

Thank you very much for participating in the contest. The contest was closed on October 31 2010. Original trophies and certificates will be presented to the finalists.

Complete list of HighScores

Contestants' page

MONSTER FAIR World Highscore Contest result

Thank you very much for participating in the contest. The contest was closed on November 30 2007. Special Monster Fair T-shirts as well as certificates were presented to the award winners.

Though Monster Fair is designed to be much more difficult than JINNI ZEALA, again we have two counter-stop scores by truly awesome players in the current rankings. This time the champion is determined by the number of Voyages.

Complete list of HighScores

Contestants' page

JINNI ZEALA World Highscore Contest result

Thank you very much for participating in the JINNI ZEALA World Highscore Contest. We are deligted to have over 500 awesome contestants in this contest.

We are happy to introduce the amazing two champions who beat the counter and the prize winners!!

Contestants' page & Complete list of Highscores

Golden Logres World Highscore Contest result

Thank you very much for participating in the Goden Logres Highscore Contest. We were deligted to receive so many awsome scores --- they were far beyond our expectataions!
And now, meet the Golden Logres champion, Mr. Fred van der Zwet who won the contest with the amazing score of 9,935,922,900.

Contestants' page and Complete list of HighScores